Results (24)

The river against the background of historic Dresden. Ferry crossings in Dresden. Dresden monuments. Photo of Dresden from the river. View of the Elbe River. Ferry crossings in Dresden Photo of Dresden from the river. Ferries against the background of Dresden's architecture. Crossing the river by ferry. Ferry on the Elbe River in Dresden. Photo of a moored ferry. Crossing the river by ferry. Photo of ferries. Water transport in Dresden. Ferries against the background of Dresden's architecture. Dresden sightseeing. An actuator lifting the ramp on a ferry. Hydraulic cylinder. View of Dresden. Ferries against the background of Dresden's architecture. Photo of the ferry. Dresden sightseeing. City tour. Ferry crossings in Dresden. Ferry crossings in Dresden. Dresden landscape. The Elbe River in Dresden. Photo of the Elbe River. Ferry on the Elbe River in Dresden. Photo of the ferry. Ferries against the background of the bridge. View of the Elbe River. Dresden sightseeing. Crossing the river by ferry. Close-up of the windows on the ferry. Reflection in the windows. Dresden sightseeing. Dresden monuments.  Visiting the monuments of Dresden. Moored ferries against the background of Dresden's architectural monuments. Water transport in Dresden. Crossing the river by ferry. Moored ferries against the background of Dresden's architectural monuments. Panorama of Dresden. Ferry on the Elbe River in Dresden. Photo of the ferry. Crossing the river by ferry. Ferry on the Elbe River in Dresden.