Results (291)

Llama in the photo. Close up portrait of a lama. Echinacea purpurea blooming flowers. Meadow full of purple coneflower. Echinacea in the sun.  Summer meadow.  Dry herbs. Dried mint leaves. Echinacea on a background of green leaves Young nettle bush Llama wool. Two llamas are eating hay. Echinacea in the sun. Violet Echinacea growing in the meadow. Drying herb on trestles Llama head. Llama portrait. Llama portrait. Photo of the llama. Drying herbs in the sun Green nettle leaves close up Drying herbs on trestles. Drying herbs in the field.  Farm animal. Llama head close up Echinacea on a background of green leaves.  Medicinal plant in the meadow. Dried thyme spread on the trestles Two llamas are eating hay. Two llamas.  Summer Echinacea blooming in the meadow. Honey plant in the meadow. Meadow full of purple coneflower. Echinacea purpurea blooming flowers. Camomile on a green background Dried herbs. Dried thyme. Rural landscape with drying herbs Llama on the farm. Photo of an adult llama. Young bush of succulent nettle  Meadow strewn with echinacea Violet Echinacea flower. Flowers liked by insects. Natural herbs. Organic herbs in the field. Farm animal. Large llama ears. Llama standing in front of the camera.  Llama backlit by the setting sun. Llama showing teeth. Close-up photo of a llama. A lot of purple coneflower flowers in the summer meadow Farm animal. Photo of the llama head.  Drying herbs in the field. Rural landscape with drying herbs. Mint spread on wooden trestles. Photo of dried mint. Vigilant llama. Llama with big ears.  Violet Echinacea growing in the meadow Drying herbs. Dried herbs. Photo of the herb leaf drying. The chamomile dries on the frame. Llama in the yard. Photo of a young llama. Medicinal flowers blooming in the meadow Echinacea blooming in the meadow. Photo of a flower in the sun. Violet Echinacea flower. Flowers liked by insects. Herbs leaves covered with a tarpaulin. Dry herbs covered with a sheet. Herb drying after harvest Vigilant llamas. View of two llamas looking into the camera lens.  Violet flowers in the meadow. Echinacea flowers. Fluffy llama wool. Two young llamas.  Flowers liked by insects. Butterfly on Echinacea. Llama looking ahead. Llama head.  Photo of the llama head. Llama head close up. Large llama eyes. Llama looking ahead. Llama backlit by the setting sun. Llama showing teeth. Hanging herbs on trestles Trestles with dried herbs in the field  Llama portrait. Photo of a llama. Close up portrait of a lama. Lama face portrait. Medicinal flowers blooming in the meadow. Photo of the Echinacea. Echinacea flowers. Meadow strewn with echinacea. Herbs drying on wooden trestles Llama head with large standing ears. Llama in the photo. Honey plant in the meadow Photo of the llama head. The most popular spitting animal. Photo of an adult llama. Vigilant llama. Butterfly on Echinacea. Butterfly sitting on a flower. Blooming green nettle bush Dried thyme in the field. Organic herbs in the field. Wooden frame for drying herbs Photo of dried mint. The process of drying herbs in the field. White flowers  Close up of an Echinacea flower. Violet Echinacea flower. Green aromatic nettle leaves Violet Echinacea flowers. Medicinal flowers blooming in the meadow. Llama portrait. Large llama eyes. Brown llama head. Photo of the llama head. Llama with big ears. llama portrait. Butterfly sitting on a flower The chamomile dries on the frame Photo of the llama. Large llama eyes. Photo of a flower in the sun Medicinal plant in the meadow  Delicate Echinacea petals. Close up of an Echinacea flower. View of two llamas looking into the camera lens. Fluffy llama wool. Cartouche with the Wettin coat of arms. In the restaurant. Eating a meal in a restaurant. Caesar salad. Tasty romaine lettuce with grilled chicken and dressing. Nettle in the sun. Green nettle Plant with stinging hairs. Nettle in the sun. Healthy Caesar salad. Green nettle. Plant with stinging hairs. Fresh green plant. Photo of the nettle.