
It is available for content such as images, illustrations, png files, eps files, and Ai files and enables:
- Includes the ability to reproduce the resource up to 450,000 copies/issues - advertising, editorial, electronic and print publications.
- Publishing the resource in social media or on the website without limits on the number of views.
- It is allowed to use the resource in printed products provided that the resource (file) doesn't constitute the main and primary value of the product and isn't duplicated more than 450,000 copies.
- Transfer of the license to a co-worker; employer or client who has been obligated under the agreement to abide by the terms of the agreement (only one transfer of the license to one of these entities is possible).
- Use of the resource in e-marketing, e-mail, mobile advertising, provided that the anticlpated number of recipients doesn't exceed 450,000 people.

Activities not permitted under the Standard License:
- The Standard License doesn't cover use of the resource on magazine or book covers or printed products such as posters, puzzles, calendars, mugs, t-shirts - where the primary product value is the resource (file) itself.
- Selling and distributing a stand-alone resource (file).
- Giving the resource more than once to a colleague, employer, or client unless another separate license has been purchased for each.
- The Standard License doesn't include use in electronic products such as games or screen savers for retail sale which require an In Plus or Extended License.


Extended License

It is available for content such as photos, illustrations, png files, eps files, Al files, templates, video assets, and sounds and enables:

- Use of the resource under the Standard License granted.

- Reproduction of the resource beyond 450,000 copies or recipients.

- The Extended License covers the use of the resource in products such as posters, puzzles, calendars, mugs, t-shirts - where the primary value of the product is the resource (file) itself.

Activities not permitted under the Extended License:

- Sale and distribution of the stand-alone resource (file).

in Plus

 In Plus License

Available for content such as photos, illustrations, png files, eps files, Al files, templates, video assets, and sounds and enables:

- Use of the resource under the Standard License granted.

- Reproduction of the resource beyond 450,000 copies or recipients.

Activities not permitted under the In Plus License:

- Sale and distribution of the stand-alone resource (file).

- The In Plus License does not include use of the resource on magazine or book covers, or printed products such as posters, puzzles, calendars, mugs, t-shirts, etc. - where the primary value of the product is the resource itself.